Website WHAT'S NEW archive FY2007

N.B. reverse chronology

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - I know, I know ... I'm a week and a half late with this, but I trust it will have been worth the wait. Check out BASEBALL CRIME AND PUNISHMENT in the Essays area.

Friday, November 2, 2007 - I don't normally appreciate teasing unless I'm the teaser. Consider yourself forewarned. I'm working on a new piece that's quite topical in the world of sports. Barring any unforeseen speed bumps, it should be ready either later today or sometime on Saturday. And you don't necessarily have to be into sports to enjoy it. Stay tuned, sports fans, cynics and connoisseurs of the ridiculous and obscure!

Monday, October 29, 2007 - Important message for New York Yankee fans.

Saturday, July 28, 2007 - New entry, CAMERA ASSAULTS PHOTOGRAPHER, in Overheard.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - Changed feature title from PROBLEM CHILD ON ASSEMBLY LINE ONE to SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. Added NOT THE USUAL WATERED DOWN ENTRY to Overheard. Cleaned up the Manifesto and site map. Also added Slovenia to the visitors page.

Monday, July 23, 2007 - A tad too late for a Sunday entry (it's 2:57 A.M. Monday), but another entry to Overheard. I trust you'll enjoy. More later!

Sunday, July 22, 2007 - There's a new entry to Overheard that I think you might find interesting. More later if the wind remains in the sail.

Monday, July 16, 2007 - The tease is over. As hinted about in the July 11 entry, the second milestone was reached a couple of days later in the wee hours of the morning. It's just about time to let the cat out of the bag - But first, the milestone long since come and gone ...

Once again without pomp, circumstance or fanfare, A View From The Fringe attained the ripe old age of four years and thus quietly entered its 5th year of its cyberlife. What started as a lame newcomer to the world of Lycos/Tripod personal websites in either late 2002 or early 2003 has moved and morphed into a lame, established website in 2007. Though for reasons I'll never quite understand or appreciate, people do visit here - which provides a most appropriate and convenient segue.

Way back in the early days I was curious if anyone ever visited the site other than family and friends routinely begged, pestered or bribed to do so. Experimenting with Lycos/Tripod tools to provide such information yielded questionable data, so I defaulted to the bliss of ignorance on such information.

Time pressed on, curiosity awoke and ultimately ended up consuming me. I found an innocuous yet effective utility, StatCounter, to feed this curious cat perhaps more information than he wanted to know. Use of StatCounter commenced on Saturday, April 30, 2005 - just over two years ago - and has been both a faithful servant and sometimes prod in my back to write.

The second milestone announcement is that a few nights ago, StatCounter reported that A View From The Fringe hit the 10,000 page view mark. Now in the worlds of Google and Drudge Report, that would spell disaster. But in my world, it's nothing shy of amazing. I neither advertise this site nor host advertisements on it. The site is strictly a "serious frivolity" that's an outlet for both my delusion of being a writer and addiction to tinker with and hack technology. Oh sure, I hoped that some folks would find something or other on the site amusing or thought provoking, but I wasn't hanging my ego on that hope.

10,000 pages loads? I'm surprised, flattered and humbled. For the 3,506 new visitors and 1,057 return visitors since April 30, 2005, I want to thank you all very much for taking time from otherwise useful Internet surfing to visit A View From The Fringe. I hope visits provide a bit of entertainment that's not cookie-cutter in nature or inane.

With this data, I'll press on with an update, essay or at least something new. You have provided purpose. And I thank you for that!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - Greetings! Thanks for the emails expressing concern for my well-being and lack of web updates. I'm fine, thanks, and no excuses for lack of updates. I've been hopelessly stuck in geek stuff and not writing. I sense a change in that, though. I feel traction and movement from The Rut.

A milestone has long since come and gone while another is rapidly approaching. For the moment, I'm going to play coy, though please don't fret. The new milestone is literally a day or two away, so if your curiosity has been aroused, stay tuned!

Work is progressing in transferring the entire contents of the website to my old, antiquated laptop. The desktop computer, website host files and laptop will all be synced, so on-the-fly writing, syncing and updating will soon be possible.

Thanks for your patience.

Sunday, February 18, 2007 - NASA soars to the lofty heights of Overheard .... Perhaps more later.

Monday, February 12, 2007 - Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln.

I've added an entry to the Overheard page. Check out A (Hopefully) Brief Experiment In Torture. Work continues on a chapter for Problem Child on Assembly Line One. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Yeah, yeah, I know - it has been ages since I've updated the website, other than paltry additions to the Visitors page. No excuses. There is and fresh update I've just completed, news-bloggy as it may seem, but an update is an update. There's some humor sprinkled in there, too. Check out Irony Meets Karma on the Overheard page.

And I think I finally have the courage and interest in tackling one of the chapters of problem Child on Assembly Line One missive. Please stay tuned ... your patience and perserverance is appreciated!

Oh yeah: check out the Quote of the Moment on the main page ...

E-mail: alienjeff AT charter DOT net
Text - Copyright © 2007 by Jeff Bauer
Generated - Friday, December 19, 2008